
Organization Score

This report will give you the overall score for selected organizations based on a selected template and time frame.

  1. Select the organization(s) from the list. You can select more than one. To clear the organization list, click the "De/Select All" button next to the organizations list.
  2. Select the template(s) from the list. You can select more than one. To clear the template list, click the "De/Select All" button next to the templates list.
  3. Select year and month.
  4. Select "Generate Report".

Organization Section Score

This report will return each template selected and display overall scores for each section per template. The score is based on results from the audits done for the selected organization and dates.

  1. Select the organization(s) from the list. You can select more than one. To clear the organization list, click the "De/Select All" button next to the organizations list.
  2. Select the template(s) from the list. You can select more than one. To clear the template list, click the "De/Select All" button next to the templates list.
  3. Select year and month.
  4. Select "Generate Report".

Organization Template Score

Allows you to compare templates by overall score. This will display each template with the score next to it. The score is based on results from the audits done for the selected organization and dates.

  1. Select the organization(s) from the list. You can select more than one. To clear the organization list, click the "De/Select All" button next to the organizations list.
  2. Select the template(s) from the list. You can select more than one. To clear the template list, click the "De/Select All" button next to the templates list.
  3. Select year and month.
  4. Select "Generate Report".